The idea of this type of Waste oil refinery is to present this solution to countries, which do not have enough financial and technological means to meet their fuel needs.
A mini refinery mounted on a skid (maximum 5 Skids). With a refining capacity between 4,500 to 10,000 MT per day. A short construction period of 4 to 5 months. The lightness of this unit between 55 and 85 MT does not require a special preparation of the ground which does not exceed by the 5000m2.
With greatly reduced electricity consumption between 75 and 100 kw per day, the unit can be installed anywhere.

We have successful partnerships with its customers in the establishment, installation, personnel training and commissioning of the plant in Egypt for installation of modular waste oil refineries.
Modular Waste Oil Refineries and Operation Principles of the System
- 1- Cross-Section Distillation (Batch Type)
- 2- Continuous Distillation (Pipe Still)
Waste oil (Petroleum) consists of the fusion of hydrocarbons, which have molecular weight and boiling point of many different types. These hydrocarbons are delivered to widely spaced boiling points by distillation process and separated into fractions as follows:
- 1- Sludge
- 2- Gas Oil
- 3- Light Oil
- 4- Heavy Fuels (Fuel Oil)
Distillation is the process of enabling waste oil to evaporate partially at high temperature and then separating it by condensing again according to the temperature. We decompose suitable derivatives with the help distillation column. The system performs multiple distillation fractionation.
Evaporation begins with the introduction of waste oil (petroleum) into the column. The evaporated oil rises according to its density and passes through the tray holes and through the filling material. . The part that does not evaporate (the remaining part of the liquid) descends to the lower part of the column. This process is called fractionation (phase separation).
The distillation column consists of 3 parts.
- 1-) Flash Part (The Part Where Waste Oil Enter)
- 2-) Lower-Part Reboiler (Raw Oil Spill Zone)
- 3-) Upper Part (Fractional Part)
The flash part is the first part where waste oil (petroleum) enters the column. Waste oil (petroleum) coming from the furnace with high pressure and temperature enters the column. by coming from the furnace with high pressure and temperature.. Meanwhile, a pressure drop occurs. Due to the pressure drop and high temperature, hydrocarbons with a low boiling range evaporate in the oil, moving to the upper parts of the column and the decomposition process begins.
The lower part separates the light parts that are not desired to remain in the products at the bottom. This separation process is realized either by giving with the hot oil system from the bottom or by reheating(reboiler)
The upper part is the fractional part and the desired products are obtained from this part.
In the modular waste oil (petroleum) distillation project, manufacturing, assembly, training and commissioning processes are executed by our company with our experienced staff and consultants by taking into account the basic principles of the process. In order to run and operate the process, the staff support, and training requested by our customers are provided.